My heart, mind and soul stand with Israel! I was raised to NOT allow anyone to bully me. I have such a hatred for Iran and its proxies. Israel must do whatever it can to eliminate them. Hopefully with support from other countries.

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Isaiah 43 2 🤗 is a proper quote.

1 year Reservists flung into a Now 8 front war.

81 Israelis and 24 non.

Lt.Col Shoshani you are a great leader.

IDF found a great spokesperson

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When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

Isaiah 43:2


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Stand firm and stand strong. This is a difficult time and it will be fraught with peril but Israel will come through this and be stronger than before.

There are many millions of Americans standing with you and several of our states are flying flags at half-staff today in support and remembrance.

"Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, and whoever curses Israel will be cursed." Numbers 24:9

Choose this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we shall stand with God and with Israel.

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A well written, heart-felt summation of the events of the last year. I noticed below that the troll has returned to this post to spout his idiotic propaganda. I wonder if where he is from the freedom of expression he enjoys here is also available. I doubt it. When you live in a world of lies truth cannot be allowed to be spoken. Israel remain a beacon of freedom in the midst of a dark and servile Arab world.

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100% agree. And let’s Get rid of this troll and likes of it.

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I think it is best to let the troll spout its nonsense. The words only effect you if you allow them to. We don't want to become what he is or what he represents.

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Democracy is characterized by the existence of opposition.

Even their own people cannot have a different opinion. They first exercise with them ...

killing the opposition. Then they expand the cruelty outside...

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Praying for you

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Lt.Col. Shoshani, my wife and myself made a 10 day visit to Israel this past February to show support for my young brother and our nephews. We realized the tremendous stress Israelis were under which was masked by an outward attitude and behaviour of seeming normalcy. We realize that we ourselves, living as we do in Canada, were never exposed to these attacks and we stand by and with you in these times of need of spiritual and physical support. Thank you very much for your detailed description of the situation, past , present and future. Long live Israel, Israel forever!!!

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Israel is a westernish civilization surrounded by radical barbaric terrorists for the most part.. don’t get it twisted. Of course we all have things in common, basic needs, etc, and hopes and desires, but when constructs fashion and mold people into hateful degenerates, we have consequences, if left unchecked. Not only that, signing Oslo accords and such nonsense, with avowed enemies who have our blood on their hands, is certifiably insane. עם ישראל חי

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"the 101 hostages that a year later are still being held in the Gaza Strip"

Say the truth to your own nation, those 101 hostages are buried deep under the rubble caused by blind bombardment by "israeli occupying force".

Those Israelites had the chance to really went back to Israel but the evil shatanyahu regime choosed Nóhal Khanibaál.

Israehell with never get peace, its based on inhumanity.

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Free the hostages.

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Israel will not get peace because it is surrounded by TERRORISTS.

If Hamas and Hezbollah aren't TERRORISTS then why aren't the Palestinian and Lebanese governments doing anything?

Occupation? Are you sure it's Palestinian land? LOL

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God's choiced people!!! WTF!

Released videos of Israeli soldiers sexually torturing a captured Palestinian https://x.com/aa_balkans/status/1821123922630168870?t=qADQlwq9p02E5sX-4dUffg&s=19


ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Services. All funded by your daddy terrirost USA


🇮🇱 Israeli occupation of 🇵🇸 Palestinian territory in facts and figures, according to UN:

🗺 Territory: Gaza Strip (365 km²) and the West Bank (approximately 5,655 km²), including East Jerusalem.

🗾 Percentage of the West Bank off-limits for Palestinian use: 61%

⛔️ West Bank separation wall: Total planned length: 712 km; 65.3% is complete, of which 85 % runs inside the West Bank.

👥 The Palestinian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: 4.8 million (1.9 million in Gaza, 2.9 million in the West Bank).

🏚 Palestine refugees registered with UNRWA: 5.6 million (1.4 million in Gaza, 858 thousand in the West Bank, 2.2 million in Jordan, 476 thousand in Lebanon, and 562 thousand in Syria) as of December 2019.

👥 Israeli settlers in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem: approximately 630 thousand in 150 settlements established in the West Bank since 1967 and 128 “outposts” – settlements erected without official Israeli authorization.

🛑 Israeli roadblocks and checkpoints obstructing Palestinian movement in the West Bank: 593, most of them aimed to protect Israeli settlers.

🪦 Conflict-related deaths 2011-2021: 3,572 Palestinians, 198 Israelis; including 806 Palestinian children and 14 Israeli children.

💰 Per capita GDP Occupied Palestinian Territory: US$ 3,463.3, 2019, compared with US$ 43,592 in Israel.

🪙 Poverty rate Occupied Palestinian Territory: 36% in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and 64% in Gaza; 2021 est.

💧Water: Palestinian per capita access to water consumption in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is below the internationally recommended level of 100 liters per capita. Israel controls 85% of Palestinian water sources.

🍲 Food Security: 2 million Palestinians are considered food insecure, including 0.6 million in the West Bank and 1.4 million in Gaza; 2021 est.


Israel is a Terrorist and Prostitute

✡️ According to holy Bible, Israel are the murderers. Israel is a prostitute and GOD against Israel. And Israel are children of Satan and Hell. The Kingdom of GOD taken away from Israel. 👇🤔

🗡️ "...The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword..."

[ 1 Kings 19 : 10 ]

🗡️ You have killed many people in this city and filled its streets with the dead.

[ Ezekiel 11 : 6 ]

🗡️ See how each of the princes of Israel who are in you uses his power to shed blood.

[ Ezekiel 22 : 6 ] 🔥


(Hosea 4:15, Judges 2:15)

🔥🇮🇱🔥 And Israel are children of Satan and Hell. The Kingdom of GOD taken away from Israel.

(John 8:44, Matthew 23:13-15, 21:43)


Zionist creation IzraHell. Created by the Zionist, Fascist, Nazi West. Death to Israel, Freedom to Palestine! May Allah punish you with the worst possible punishment, eternal suffering in Gehenna. Amen Ya Rabb.

Cowards are defeated on both worlds! IDF killed its own men in the Kibbutz. Thanks IDF! Good job IDF! Satan bless IsraHell! https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2023/11/07/2984420/israeli-forces-role-in-be-eri-kibbutz-slaughter-unearthed


Stop eat zionism's shit!






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Terima kassi ya 🙏🏽

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Israel you and your people are amazingly, strong, resilient and courageous in this ongoing and enduring fight for freedom and for the western world against Iran proxies. My love and thoughts are with you all and for those that have gone and their families that remain waiting for the safe return of the hostages. I also cannot fathom or understand the anti Jewish statements coming from this side of New Zealand and Australia. Be strong Israel you are not alone. The silent majority will prevail. Caroline -New Zealand.

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Blessings for Israel and IDF

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God bless you all and keep you safe, and may He divinely inspire those monsters to let the hostages go. Praying for you daily from Canada, and despite what you might see in the media there is so much love and support here for Israel.

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Yes, I have followed closely your task in fighting your enemies. And I viewed video of those who are mourning their lost ones. All so very heartbreaking and as an older American all I can do is pray. And ask God to give us Trump as our next leader, as I know he will help Israel, in her time of great trial. In the meantime I pray God's guidance to the IDF soldiers and your fantastic IAF forces. I have been asking Him to guide you all to where the rest of the hostages are. He is ALMIGHTY GOD, and He sees all...Blessings

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Thank you for your service!

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