Thank you for the update. Reassuring that the mission is still on course to cleanse Hamas from Gaza

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Fascinating. I bet forces must have gained so much insight on combat given the key enemy tactic is to stay hidden and use surprise to an advantage. More than most wars, with this the whole propaganda machinery brings psyops and comms teams right to the forefront. I’m sure half of the pro-Hammas commentary on social media is driven by bots.

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Thank you LTC Hecht for the update! I stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel & the IDF. I pray for the captives who have been released (as they will have a long road to healing & recovery) and also for those still held hostage by those evil cowards Hamas. Also God Bless Rimon Kirsht for her brave stare & stand against her captor. Her attitude and courage are inspiring!

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I love this email -- so much great information, really well explained. Gives me comfort in this difficult time.

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saya kristen dari indonesia berterimakasih kepada buletin email ini sehingga saya bisa mendapatkan informasi terakurat langsung dari IDF sehingga saya dapat menyebarluaskan kondisi sebenarnya di gaza. ..saya berdoa untuk seluruh warga israel seluruh sandra dan korban agar di berikekuatan untuk meewati semua kekejaman hamas biadab ini TUHAN MEMBERKATI

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Excellent use of this time! Continuing to pray for God’s chosen people.

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Why did it take hours before IDF responded to the slaughter going on?

Why were Israelis not permitted to arm themselves?

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Yeah I would want my own M16

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I feel more confident having read this piece

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The negotiation has helped Hamas to embark on guerrilla war which is the second face of any terrorists organization attack statics. This always benefits them sin they'll use just only one terrorists to, at least, take out five military active men out of service for a year due to injury. Israel shouldn't continue any pause but resume with intense bombardment of the terrorists unti all hostages are released. That's only way to guarantee victory and not swapping captive.

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Is there a dedicated email address we can send our questions to without having to put them in as a comment? Thanks and appreciate all the hard work, professionalism, and bravery that this substack blog has been bringing to light.

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Stories about how people survived reminds me of the horror I felt as a child reading about the ghettos / camps of WW2. Just harrowing

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Vigilance!Vigilance!Vigilance! The leadership dropped their eyes and Israel has paid a terrible price!

Never,never again!

Biden did not equivocate...God Bless Him!

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Quote of the day: “Go f*** yourself”, Elon Musk to critics of his recent visit to Israel (note his IDF dog tag gift is displayed in clear view).

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