So glad they are back now what about the rest of them. Not even close to happy about the number of terrorists being released. Big mistake there. Only goes to encourage more hostages in the future. Must stop trading and never trade more than one for one.

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Baruch HASHEM 🙌🙏🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱🙌🙏AM YISRAEL CHAI 🙌🙏🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱🙌🙏

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Thank you.

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Fortunately the first 3hostages are home. There are still nerve- wracking days and weeks to come. Hamas and Gazans what a terrible combination!

Israel stay strong 💙💙

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Congratulations to IDF for another succesfull operationl!

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So happy for safe return but saddened that hundreds of terrorists returned to create more trouble perhaps? Maybe resume “from river to sea” efforts

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Thank you for this brief.

That info bit about the « goody bag » was really upsetting, proving what inhuman monsters the Hamas are.

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I'M sure we TRUST the right direction for the past and present and future of this test will take a very good relationship between us and them to get the full benefit of this test!HOPE all goes well for you guys up to date with all levels of government and military operations in forensic science fiction and non-fiction and space to start again due course you are doing a great job in God bless you and yours,the first thing is that you will need a very high level of justice system and reality star wars of the last couple of years to achieve our vision of this test!HOPE all is well with the universe and everything else!HOPE 5785! SHABBAT SHALOM! OM SHANTI SHANTI OM!

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