May you continue to overcome the evil that lurks underground in Gaza.

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LTC Hecht and team, although there is nothing celebratory about tonight (New Year's Eve) because we cannot forget the hostages, the IDF warriors and the people of Israel I will still raise a glass of good old whiskey in the privacy of my home and cheer everyone's safety and good health with a Le Chaim! To Life! And may the Palestinians someday teach their children to celebrate life and not desecrate it.

Am Israel Chai!

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Thank you for the update. May Hashem protect the land of Israel and its inhabitants and all those who work to protect it.

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Colonel Hecht: your words and videos continue to communicate to all of us in the Diaspora, the incredible effort everyone, military or civilian, are doing to combat this horrible and barbaric ideology and people, Hamas. Kol Hakavod to all the IDF.

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Thought I was the only one that noticed the work as I have worked for a tile setter at a restaurant under construction decades ago while a college student. Once doing the work you begin to appreciate good craftsmanship which leads me to question why these men are not doing more productive work that would lead to a better life in Gaza for their families and the community at large. A total waste of good talent is what it is now. I pray that their eyes be opened after this war is concluded and become more like Germany and Japan, both very productive nations.

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Nice to see Yahalom unit using Sinwar tunnel complex to haul detonation charges - in reverse.

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I'm a simple man. What I see is one more divide (Just what we need More Division)

On one side we see The Good Guys (that would be The IDF aka Da Jews, and those of us who support them).

On the other I see (Oh lets be charitable, just this once) Useful Fools. They are easily spotted, spouting slogans they know nothing about.

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Lenin called them "useful idiots."

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Lenin called them "useful idiots."

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Some things never change

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If anyone wants to admire the Israeli spirit even when it is fighting an existential war watch the Homeland Concert.

Let the music start🇮🇱💙🇮🇱


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Great article. Please know that even though the legacy media shows Palestinian support, the vast majority of adult, mature Americans are 100 percent behind the IDF and Israel. And most of us wish that our current government had even half the strength and conviction as the IDF has. Hopefully the 2024 election will change things here for the better. We regrettably have an administration that thinks that appeasing Iran will keep the Iranian regime peaceful. Anyone with any intelligence knows that this policy, in effect since 2008 (with the exception of the Trump years) has been a profound, pathetic failure. Just look at hamas, hezbollah, and the houthis. Not to mention Russia and China. God bless the IDF. God bless Israel. God bless America.

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There are some good tilers in Gaza! I bet the average Mohamed in Gaza does not have this luxury in their bathrooms and I don't mean for now since 7/10!! If all of this was not tragic I would burst my sides with laughter! Honestly they are damn good.

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Wow what a satisfying video seeing all the terror tunnels blown up in what must be several square miles across Gaza! All those years of sweat and toil they spent constructing this ridiculous subterranean architecture. I’m actually gobsmacked at their motivation and resilience to build this network, they must have kept spurring each other on like a fanatical cult. I mean, seriously, they’d have to be a massive dose of delusion to think they could obliterate Israel and hideout in their tunnels, when Gaza could be flattened at any time by bombing from the air if Israel really wanted to commit genocide. It’s incredible that clever, educated engineers built these tunnels and how they didn’t foresee the end result? It seems their ideology overrides their reasoning.

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We defiiated the Nazis. We wil defeat other psykopaths.

Happy newyear

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May there will be no more fatalities with the IDF. May you come back to your family's alive and well. Stay strong. May God continue His protection on you.❤️🙏

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Great response to Sth Africa too from Eylon Levy recently. It’s telling that Israel has cleverly agreed to appear at the ICC to defend its actions. Even though the ICC is bias, and there’s little chance of success there, it’s demonstrates a strong conviction in how it has engaged in this war.

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Nobody fights like the Jews. כל הכבוד לצה״ל

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