Thank you the very informative update which i have shared . Such a difficult unpleasant task for you all . I cant imagine the horrors you have faced and are now facing. Keep safe

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Thank you for this but the fact remains that Netanyahu and the Israeli government continued to give money to Qatar for Hamas to divide the Palestinians through helping to arm Hamas. This tragedy and all the others put all ordinary citizens in danger whilst politicians on all sides play dirty games. History shows us the danger of this divide and rule https://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Netanyahu-Money-to-Hamas-part-of-strategy-to-keep-Palestinians-divided-583082

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The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, send men that they may spy out the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel.

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Being from the UK, hopefully the IDF listens to your insight about what the Alphas of the Free World want to see and hear. Surely, you know that we want to see enemy body counts! We want to see footage of a lot of enemies getting made dead. Winning ALWAYS trumps collateral losses, well, with the Alphas who are shoving money into your nation's coffers every year, the Alphas who back you by vetoing the laughable U.N. Security Council. While you're sending on this advice, please also tell the IDF to stop showing footage of IDF forces walking around aimlessly and with crappy IMT and generally lax security. Seriously, do you need me to come out there and teach basic Infantry tactics to your guys? Because I will. Oh wait, sorry, wife says, "no." Where was I? Oh yes, and for the love of Pete, stop showing tanks sitting around in the open, not dug in, with zero flank security. Heck, we see enough of IDF's lazy armor battalions from Hamas, right before they sneak up on your tanks and fire at near point blank range with cliche RPGs! May God forgive me, it's almost comical! Anyway, from now on, only show aggressive combat footage--of the IDF racking up hundreds, not mere "dozens" of dead savages, and of course blowing up the savages' stuff. I mean, this isn't hard to figure out. Maybe hire some Hamas camera guys. They seem to understand perfectly what Alphas in the war video consumer market want to see. [Respectfully submitted, notwithstanding the tongue in cheek parts]

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Defunded (apol auto correct)

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Going back to the UN, how can we take it seriously when it’s now the chair of the Human Right council for goodness sake! It’s a joke. At one point it chaired the council on Woman’s Rights! It’s obsolete, needs to be refunded. The Sec Gen is a joke

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I read an article on forbes yesterday which was shared through twitter pointing out itsec efforts made to recover hostages being held by hamas, where i thought was in nobodies interest to have such-articles on ongoing sensitive operations.

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How long will IDF be able to sustain a dayly high number of casualties?

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Good question, looks like 10 per day just in dead; then comes wounded. It's a matter of how the casualties are handled/reported psychologically. The US suffered 1 dead per day 2001 to 2021. Even in the 1st and 2nd battle of Fallujah, the US suffered only 2 dead per day or less. Four times more wounded though.

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