All Israeli people are heroes. Thank you for standing up and attacking evil. I now see this same sinister forces at work in western countries and they go unchallenged.

Israel forever. 🇨🇦 🇮🇱 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 🚀

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It's really weird that you think Israelis are heroes when they're bombing unarmed women and children. How does that make them heroic? It just makes them murders.

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The IDF wouldn't have to bomb ANYONE if they weren't defending themselves.

Your logic makes every Iranian, every Syrian, every Lebanese and every palestinian a murderer as well.

Let's not forget that the palestinians also raped and murdered BABIES.

Please, make a justification for *THAT*.

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And the fact that you still are spreading the rumor that there was raped, babies and beheaded babies is been debunked for months now if anybody's doing the rape, it's your Israeli soldiers who torture and rape men womenI'm You're disgrace to humanity

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You're so stupid that you believe such bullshit. This is all about the land grab nothing more. It's a genocide. Jews are the most vile people on earth.

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No, it has nothing to do with land. The Iranian clerics bent on killing Jews and destroying Israel are the intentional murderers. They, of course, prefer to have their proxies do the dirty work. And Hamas, Hezbollah, et al. think it's just to sacrifice their own civilians in the effort -- to strengthen their resolve. Put the blame for killing where it belongs. Unfortunately Western media are gullible to Islamist propaganda, but we don't have to blindly fall for it.

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The only people I see murdering people are the Jews,so get out of here with your propaganda. Nobody's buying it anymore and please don't ever say the word and I Semitism again because it's lost all meaning.

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Saying that the "only people I see murdering people are the Jews" simply shows your willful blindness. But reality doesn't require your approval.

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I stand with Israel as I was taught in church as a child. My heart and soul stand with Israel also.

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Well done IDF

Well done!

Thank you!

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Am Yisrael Chai

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Dear IDF: May our Lord God Almighty continue his blessings upon you. Blessings of courage, strength, safety, wisdom, good health and come back to your family alive and well. Long live Israel , multiply a million folds. -From Australia 🦘 with love, ❤️care and prayers! 🙏

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The IDF are the best army in the world! I stand with Israel.

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חזק ואמץ!!!!!!!

עם ישראל חי

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Well done Israel. You do the thankless job of putting a stop to and keeping the world's terrorists at bay when no one else can, dares or will. And does the world thank you for it? No. They just criticise. Bloody hypocrites. Well here is a big thank you from one who is grateful.

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I stand solidly with Israel in their fight against terrorism

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Maybe next time sink the Iranian Navy - all of it. Clear there is pressure not to respond forcefully. But defending these massive salvos from Iranian soil must be expensive and the “acceptable response” risks a normalization of deviation.

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Have No Mercy - LCSR

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Have No Mercy - LCSR

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We are extremely proud of all of you! We pray for all of you, selflessly fighting for Israel and for the return of the hostages! And especially for SUPERNATURAL HEALING FROM ALL THE PAST YEAR'S TRAUMA🇮🇱 With love from South Africa

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Am Ysrael Chai

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You should have destroyed the Nuclear sites! That was a golden opportunity! I hope you won’t regret this. God bless Israel.

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The opportunity has been given since the destruction of the S300 at Natanz.

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Wow, in other words, don't mess with Israel!

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