The most endearing words I understood, from my limited Hebrew, from soldiers calling their children at home the first time they had their mobiles handed back to them was Chaim Sheli - My Life!

In my my mother semitic tongue we call our children 'Qalbi' - My Heart.

I am a reading animator to pre-school children and to protect these toddlers further we even take off our shoes at the door!

I feel for Palestinian babies because they deserve better from their own parents.

To Life and safe childhoods!

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Wow that means nothing is off the table in terms of where weaponry is hidden; funeral homes, dugouts in the ground, in cellars and in the homes of so-called ‘neutral’ actors / orgs. What a tough job the military are doing

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I always stand with Idf ,do your job be smart,I will share to my groups any news from Gaza,but I need you to protect my account from Hacker attacking,TKu

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Thank you for this newsletter. It's so helpful. You are doing an amazing job. Is it possible to show more of the humanitarian aid Israel is providing?

Everything from incubators to food would be so helpful to change the narrative or fill out the narrative for your allies. Thank you!

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Thankyou for your update, so concise and informative. The Mission Brief is a gem.

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Will the New York Times pick up on this???

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Well done guys and give this ‘filth’ no quarter !!!

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The amount of cruelty practiced by hamas is beyond any imagination. war as well as hate is the business and religion apparently. i read narconomics a while ago and cant shake some analogies even tho those are far fetched and not comparable in many ways.

Still everything we see now is so unbelievable and i cant imagine how horrible it is in reality, all we read on the internet likely just the tip of the iceberg i guess.

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IDF is losing propaganda war.Hamas has amplified its message about children hospital being bombed and its gaining sympathisers

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