I think seeing these young women doing a terrific job of exterminating terrorists is worth the weight of their tank in gold. Keep on fighting the good fight and never give in, never...

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What incredibly brave intelligent dogs they are . Put himself between the suspicious booby trapped weapon and his handler 💗💗. Best breed ever . So amazing

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They are so young but still fought like seasoned warriors.

You honour your country and yourselves and women every where should celebrate you 💙🇮🇱💙

I feel for the canine heroes too! Their handlers must be devastated because it must feel like loosing a member of the family.

In contrast, I invite you to watch BBC's Mr J Bowen interview who unashamedly said that he admits he got the reporting of the hospital hit wrong but does not regret it! To be fair he had to gulp water as if to help him swallow his own shameful words.

Hamas has ruined yet another reputation - another one bites the dust. Next time we will ignore him.

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Amazingly story. Thank you for your daily updates! Writing from New Jersey, USA!

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Thanks Col. for your updates and this uplifting story of your courageous women warriors fighting the good fight. Know that the vast majority of America supports you. Please accept my apologies for our feckless White House, State Dept. and Demonrat Politicians. Let this be a lesson for Israel to protect her election integrity.

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Great post! The army and police always seem to work with German Shepherd dogs, it must be because they have really sensitive noses vs other breeds and can take on assailants if necessary. It’s great to see animals working with such a vital purpose in that way. Am thrilled to see an all-female tank unit!! They look young and yet talk with such authority! impressive soldiers, wow the army training has given them a leadership responsibility that few can imagine at 20 years old. I’m a bit jealous that they get to command Merkavas! 😍 .. cutting edge design and the new no.5 would be out soon. My father drove tanks in Aden, I bet his vehicle was so clunky and mechanical in comparison to these armour vehicles!

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Malinois are easy confused with german shepherds, they look very similar - both are very popular not only for police and military.

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Thanks, I just looked them up! They are one of the 4 banned dog breeds in the UK because of their high prey drive. They need good training and socialisation, so well suited to working with the army.

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023

Hi Lt. Col. Hecht. Thank you - and all in IDF/ISA... - for your brilliant work.

** Some questions you might include in your next Q&A please **

1) Accusations of Israeli airstrikes on UNRWA schools the other week: footage looked anything but. However, without comment from Israel/IDF that is conjecture. Will there be clarification from IDF/Israel?...

2) Current accussations of IDF shooting at civilians going north during the pause. Footage looked staged - notably a motorbike roaring within the crowd (and we all know to whom fuel is prioritised!). Again, will there be a formal response to allegations?

3) A just published piece in UK news focuses Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah's account of his time in Gaza, amputating kids limbs - accusations against Israel abound (including not seeing anything suspect during his time at Al-Shifa Hospital). Notably, this is the guy who immediately posted on social media about the alleged Israel airstrike on Al-Ahli Hospital: so, despite his medical expertise is arguably not credible in terms of his reasoning what caused these casualties. Nonetheless, he is providing (what he considers to be) evidence of white phosphorus use by the IDF. From my communication with people with military experience, secondary detonations due to Hamas storing munitions in buildings look like weaponry that exploded contained white phosphorus. Of course, specifics and details are a matter of investigation that takes time: nonetheless, propoganda is rampant. Is it possible to comment on these aspects? Linked below is the article centring Dr Abu-Sittah's condemnations, which you're probably aware of as it follows his Mon 27th Press Briefing. Importantly, the article states he has "agreed to work with Scotland Yard to provide witness evidence of the “genocidal” war crimes that he claims Israel have committed." I can see this gaining much traction, quickly, in UK media.

So, would be great if some of these 'hot topic' points could be addressed in your blog / officially - that understanding would help us around the world, supporting Israel from afar, trying to fight the propaganda that monopolises mainstream media.

Thank you 🙏

Article referred to: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/terror-and-security/gaza-hospital-surgeon-ghassan-abu-sittah-child-amputations/

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Amazing dogs🥰 I feel so sad that some of them died 😪. Can the dogs be fitted with head gear? Incredible women soldiers. Tight hugs. God bless Israel. ❤️💐🙏

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Great job by the dogs and handlers. May God’s protection be upon them on every mission.

Great job tank crews. Very proud of your bravery. You applied your training well. May God’s protection be with you all.

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Amazon Heros!

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God bless Isreal!

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Heros! They are truly humble, but Heros none the less

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God bless Israel!

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I am not surprised by the female soldiers capabilities. Happy to see them recognized for their heroism. Wish I was young enough to drive a tank. Very motivational.

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God bless and keep the Oketz unit and their malinois heroes, and all the IDF soldiers battling this insidious evil.

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im in goosebumps😱salute to all this women they are fearless…

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