It is deeply concerning that anti-israel social media is creating a substantial generation of young anti-israeli westerners. Israel cannot lose a generation to misinformation. Your work is critical. If anything, it needs to be substantially ramped up at every level. I live in Canada and there just isn’t enough hard fact and clear information reaching us. Our media is now riddled with young “social justice” ideologues who don’t report in any sense of the word. Fight back.

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The Robotic auto response of people in America is Concerning.

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Israel is fucked, it is over, and good riddance. No one will miss them.

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Israel does great.

Why you trying to break in?

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No, they are not.

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Ismail Haniyeh

Fuad you

yes they are.

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“anti-israel social media is creating a substantial generation of young anti-israeli westerners”

You do realise that the social media that is horrifying young westerners is filmed in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, shows exactly what the IDF are doing there, and indeed is often filmed by IDF soldiers themselves, seemingly blissfully unaware that what they are “showing off” is nauseating to normal people..?

The answer to “Who is making people anti-Israel?” is Israel.

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They ate Being Brainwashed .

Sad. Really is. We all stand for peace.

Syria and Yemen factions openly admit for the last 60 years of trying to destroy Israel...

Which has been there four then to comment on.

Judea was there first.


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Not a moment to soon! Please IDF keep up with your briefings. We promise none of them will go to waste.

LTC Shoshani welcome. I have stopped following mainstream media - they slept with the wrong creatures and caught bugs!

Am Israel Chai 🎗💙🇮🇱🇲🇹💙🎗

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Mainstream media is Sodom with Gonorrhea.

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Following from South Africa. Stay strong over there, you Israelis have millions and millions of people from all around the world standing firm behind your backs.

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Thank you. Following from Australia and keen to read the IDF perspective.

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So good to be able to read honest reporting. Looking forward to your reports.

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From the Netherlands, Proud of the IDF . Thank you for your updates!

With Andrew Burns I agree that your work is critical. Use every media effort too make it absolute clear too these cowardly lowlives that they will never again will dare too attack Israel again.

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I have just signed the UN Watch petition againt the anti-Israel bias of the UN.

Enough is Enough!


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Thanks for the link; I've just signed.

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It is good to hear from you on behalf of IDF. God bless you and Israel, and I wish safety for everyone in the IDF and freedom for every hostage. Here in Canada and the US the mainstream media is biased against Israel. In their ignorance they are doing serious harm against Jews. I dream of seeing the west united behind Israel in condemning the heinous crimes of Hamas and Hezbollah. Please God make it come true.

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Thank you for bringing the Mission Brief back. It was sorely missed. Good luck!

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Thank you for being back Mission Brief 🙏

Stay strong Israel

Following from Uruguay 🇺🇾


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Welcome. My comment will sound idiotic, because it is, but also constructive. To counter the narrative and image of Israel being a racist colonial apartheid state, the IDF should also add a young black women as a spokespersons to address the political situation here in the US and in Europe - it will help free up weapons delay and embargo’s.

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Israeli leadership with Ethiopian heritage tells the story well. Thank you to P’nina Tamano-Shata for all her great work promoting Aliyah that strengthens the multi-cultural power of Israel. Thank you also to Avraham Neguise for his powerful work.

Your work providing a knowledgeable, accountable and nuanced view can be so valuable. So much healing is necessary in the diaspora around what is happening. We need to be in more open dialogue with folks who have a variety of views and especially within our families.

Thank you for whatever you do to welcome and promote such dialogue on Substack!

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I am glad that you are back

Keep Israel safe.

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Thank you for this mail. From the Netherlands i keep on following the IDF and her battle against the enemies of Israel. Keep up the good work !

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I am glad to see IDF Mission Brief is back.

In Japan, where I live, there is too much news on the media which is sympathetic to or overly biased in favor of the Palestinians who are portrayed as the victims of Israel’s military aggression. The Israeli Government and the IDF could put more effort to make the world know that Israel is fighting a legitimate war, only to rescue the hostages and to eliminate the threat of terrorists

I look forward to reading the future issues of Mission Brief.

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Thank you for such a complete and detailed update. These updates are important to those of us who can’t be in Israel helping. We do care profoundly though. Thank you, Karen

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Welcome Mr. Shoshani! I really look forward to up to date information & transparent news from th IDF. I feel it's such a shame that German media publish very little to none and seemingly biased infos concerning the IDF mission whilst German politicians give weighty speeches about solidaridty with Israel. Their words are proof to be unsuitable tools when at the same time public officials in Germany do not interfere with determination against anti-semitic manifestations.

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